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Japanese Neo 4
(Japanese Series 10)

Special price for all 16 Rare Holofoil cards.
$55.00 plus $5.00 shipping in the US.
You will receive one of each Rare Holofoil in the Neo 4 Series.
A complete set of the Neo 4 cards including all 16 Rare Holofoils
and the nonfoil rares,uncommons and commons
listed on this page for $95.00 plus 6.00 shipping in the US.
You will receive one of each card listed on this page.
This offer DOES NOT include the Unown cards
or the Ultra Rare 3 star Holofoils found in this series.
Anyone interested in buying a Ultra Rare card
or any of the Unown cards please contact me.
I have all the Unown cards and several of the Ultra rare Holofoils.


Ampharos #181 Rare Holofoil $5.00 each

Arcanine #59 Rare Holofoil $5.00 each

Azumarril #184 Rare Holofoil $5.00 each

Crobat #169 Rare Holofoil $5.00 each

Donphan #232 Rare Holofoil $5.00 each

Dragonite #149 Rare Holofoil $5.00 each

Espeon #196 Rare Holofoil $6.00 each

Feraligatr #160 Rare Holofoil $5.00 each

Gengar #94 Rare Holofoil $5.00 each

Houndoom #229 Rare Holofoil $5.00 each

Porygon 2 #233 Rare Holofoil $5.00 each

Scizor #212 Rare Holofoil $5.00 each

Togetic #176 Rare Holofoil $5.00 each

Tyranitar #248 Rare Holofoil $5.00 each

Typhlosion #157 Rare Holofoil $5.00 each

Miracle Energy Energy Rare Holofoil $6.00 each


Ariados #168 Rare $1.50 each

Dragonair #148 Rare $1.50 each

Lanturn #171 Rare $1.50 each

Ledian #166 Rare $1.50 each

Machamp #68 Rare $1.50 each

Omastar #139 Rare $1.50 each

Magcargo #219 Rare $1.50 each

Slowking #199 Rare $1.50 each

Ursaring #217 Rare $1.50 each

Piloswine #221 Rare $1.50 each


Chancey #113 $.50 each

Croconaw #159 $.75 each

Dewgong #87 $.50 each

Exeggutor #103 $.50 each

Flaffy #180 $1.00 each

Flareon #136 $.50 each

Fortress #205 $.50 each

Golduck #55 $1.00 each

Haunter #93 $.75 each

Heracross #214 $.50 each

Hitmonlee #106 $.50 each

Jolteon #135 $.50 each

Machoke #67 $.50 each

Ninetails #38 $1.00 each

Octillery #224 $.50 each

Omanyte #138 $.50 each

Pupitar #247 $.50 each

Quilava #156 $.75 each

Scyther #123 $.75 each

Slowbro #80 $.50 each

Vaporeon #134 $.50 each

Venomoth #49 $.50 each

Wigglytuff 60HP #40 $.50 each

Wigglytuff HP80 #40 $.50 each


Growlithe #58 $.75 each

Hitmonchan #107 $.75 each

Cyndaquil #155 $1.00 each

Dratini #147 $1.00 each

Exeggute #102 $.75 each

Gastly #92 $.50 each

Girafarig #203 $.50 each

Gligar #207 $.75 each

Houndour #228 $1.00 each

Jigglypuff #39 $.75 each

Larvatar #246 $.50 each

Ledyba #165 $.50 each

Sunflora #192 $.50 each

Machop #66 $.50 each

Mantine #226 $.50 each

Mareep #179 $.50 each

Phanpy #231 $.50 each

Pineco #204 $.50 each

Psyduck #54 $.75 each

Porygon #137 $.75 each

Remoraid #223 $.50 each

Seel #86 $.75 each

Slugma #218 $.50 each

Sunkern #191 $.50 each

Swinub #220 $.50 each

Togepi #175 $1.00 each

Totodile #158 $.50 each

Venonat #48 $.50 each

Vulpix #37 $.50 each

Japanese Neo 4 Trainers

Rocket Electro Machine Trainer Rare $1.50 each

Imp. Prof. Oak's Invention Trainer Rare $1.50 each

Radio Tower Trainer Rare $1.50 each

Rocky Stadium Trainer Rare $1.50 each

Study Helmet Trainer Rare $1.50 each

Counter Claw Trainer Uncommon $.75 each

Energy Amplification Trainer Uncommon $.50 each

Energy Stadium Trainer Uncommon $.50 each

Lucky Stadium Trainer Uncommon $1.00 each

Judgement Trainer Uncommon $1.00 each

Lucky Stadium Trainer Uncommon $.50 each

Rocket's Maneuvers Trainer Uncommon $.50 each

Bill's Email Trainer Common $.50 each

Mysterious Powder Trainer Common $.50 each